My Life in Houston

My life in Houston? Hmmm... Pretty simple if I want to end it with 4 words: work, eat, sleep. Repeat.

That's all. Bye for now.

Hehe... Few lines like this is not called blogging. I shall continue, let's see what I have in my Jack Bond phone to share...

The groceries from Walmart. Almost bi-daily I visit Walmart to stock up my groceries. Something like this...

And sometimes just a few items...

So I can have some milk before I sleep...

And ice cream to eat when mouth itchy ...

And many more that I will blog in other posts. By the way, as far as I know, Blue Bell is the local premium ice cream in Texas that I briefly mentioned in my old post. Worth a try if you are here.

Shopping in Walmart Super Center is not easy. For instance, to buy ice cream, look at how long you have to walk through to pick your choice...

And how many varieties you have to go through before decide...

Giant, Tesco, Carrefour in Malaysia? The size of any of them probably is just only a section in WalMart.

But most important item to get from WalMart is beer! I can drink a dozen of this beer in an hour without drunk...

It's the...

The IBC Root Beer. Not Heineken or Budweiser. Hehe... It's the best ever root beer I've ever had. You can only get A&W Root Beer in Malaysia or some Australian's root beer from Cold Storage, but I feel this IBC Root Beer is the best. It costs USD $2.50 per bottle in restaurants and I get it USD$2.68 half a dozen in WalMart! And about 3 bottles a day for me, this is one of the reasons I need to go WalMart bi-daily. Hehe...

Beside WalMart, what else do I have? Hmm... May be some random photos...

I went to Yao Ming's restaurant and Bush visited the restaurant as well. I did not take any photo of the food though 'cause I was damn disappointed with the food, imagine the Peking Duck was roasted duck with wrapper! Perhaps that's enough to cheat mat salleh.

That's all for now. Probably the last one...

The view from my office. That it is.

May be I can simplify the 4 words to 2 words: WalMart. Repeat. Looks like my life in Houston is filled with WalMart.


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