Lang Tengah Island Trip Part 2
As I mentioned earlier, this was my first dive after 9 months. Meaning, I needed to recall my memory on the camera settings and underwater photography skill. Let's see how it goes...
Typical procedure before diving, briefing by the dive master, Kamal (am I right?) the funny DM...

And typical behavior, most divers do not pay attention during the briefing. So am I :") But mind you, such briefing is important for your survival. My typical question to the DM is "Reef on right or left?" That's because I usually like to stay the last one underwater in the group so that I don't cramp myself with other divers. Especially when DM signals some interesting creature to see, you will get a Master Wong's 黄飞鸿 shadow-less kicks 无影脚 from the left, Bruce Lee's 李小龙 punch from the right and other sorts of martial arts by other divers all around your body. Stay at the back of the crowd and once the crowd left, I have my own sweet time to appreciate the creature, the scene and take my shots. Because of this, I gotta know where is the reef so that I can find and rejoin the group if I am too far behind 'cause I am just Open Water diver, not even Advanced and do not have dive computer and compass, but have experienced diving deep to 40m and numerous night dives. ;)

Gear up! And roll your back...

Without fail, "finding nemo" is the first mission to accomplish for every dive...

I also like to see Christmas trees down there...

The angel fish...

Damn it! My camera housing fogged! Luckily this was only the check out dive and nothing much to see.
It's time to ascend, the DM signaled.
While ascending, we were approaching a school of unknown fish...

Like a giant bra, huh? "Dived" into the "z-cup bra" and these are the unknown fishes that formed the bra...

That's all for the check out dive. I gotta fix my camera before the second dive!
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