Up Size My NAS
Gadget is like car. The value keeps on depreciating after purchase. It's a waste of getting a gadget lying there and not using it. So let's get this toy out from its box and slot it into where it supposed to be few months ago.
The Western Digital Cavier Green 3.5' 1.5TB hard disk.
Power off the NAS...
Operate it into half...
Let's the new WD 1.5TB go on top of the existing Seagate 1.5TB...
Power it up, format it and finally the new hard disk is in "production"...

Huh? Just formatted and I already used up more than 50%?! Yes. My collection is getting out of my own control! My gang found other "communities" to exchange our collection, and those 50% sit in the new hard disk was transferred from this after return from the "community"...
The external hard disk used for collection exchange.
Ah! I can't wait for my Mega Project to complete and media player to arrive!!
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