HK Here I Come!

Queue up! Check In!

Tada! From KLIA to HKIA in 6 hours time!!

** DROOL ** 

许留山! 你休想逃出我的五脏庙!! 
Opps! Getting too excited! I am supposed to check in the airport transfer service before anything else...

Stick this identifier on...

And now hunt for the flag...

C'mmon uncle, show me your vigor!! :P
Indeed, uncle really shows his vigor and damn energetic. We were chasing him and I was left far behind (uncle, sorry lah! My fault lah!)...

And in just a couple of minutes for sorting hotel destinations with different groups of us, I am already on the bus heading to my hotel via Tsing Ma Bridge (actually I do not know exactly if that's 青马大桥)...

The first ever impression I have on Hong Kong: time is money, fast and efficient. No talk cock, no waiting and no time wasting like Malaysian.
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